Operation methods for restoration


To restore old Venetian Terrazzo, Danilo Ballaustra adopts an operation methodology consisting essentially in three steps:


• Cleaning and evaluation of conservation status of the floor to recover;

• Study in deep and research of materials that constitute it and evaluation of appropriate intervention methodologies;

• Restoration of Venetian Terrazzo degraded parts, by performing patching or grouting.


The first phase of restoration consists in carrying out a light sanding of the floor to clean it from incrustations of various nature or from stuccoes previously performed. Fundamental to obtaining an excellent result is being able to recognize the historical period of the floor and the original nature of the binders and materials making up that particular type of Venetian Terrazzo that is being analysed. In this way, it is possible to assess not only the general conditions of the flooring but above all used marble and the size of the degraded parts in order to be able to choose the most appropriate type of intervention.

Danilo Ballaustra can evaluate to perform a patch when the damaged part of the floor has such dimensions that a simple grouting cannot restore it.

To perform a patch, first is need to remove the degraded floor portions, make a substrate on which a layer of “coperta” is spread with same colour as original floor then proceed with the sowing of carefully selected marbles.

After allowing the patches and grouting to be properly cured, we proceed with sanding, grouting, polishing, until a smooth floor surface is obtained, as in origin. It is then processed with raw linseed oil, in one or more hands, depending on the needs; to give a further polishing, a new coat of wax is spread that will be repeated occasionally over time. 



Via Marconi, 42

(s.s. Vicenza-Treviso)

35010 San Pietro in Gu

Padova - Italy

tel. (+39) 049 9455250

tel. (+39) 049 9459133




Lun. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Mar. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Mer. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Gio. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Ven. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Sab. Su Appuntamento

Domenica Chiuso





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