Restoration of Venetian Floor

A restoration carried out according to the rules of the art must redevelop the Venetian Terrazzo, recovering its aesthetic qualities while respecting the nature and originality of the ancient floor. The experience of Mr. Ballaustra guarantees that the care in the restoration operations is adequate to the value and importance of the analysed Terrazzo. These operations will be more relevant and detailed as the floor is more ancient and precious.

An ancient Venetian Terrazzo floor, even after being restored, must be recognizable as such. Therefore, the restoration must not alter what are the peculiarities of the period artefacts such as the irregularity of the surface, of the drawings and of the execution. It therefore does not have to look like a new floor, one must perceive the possible patch made, even considering that the selected stone materials must be as equal as possible to those originally used at the time the installation was carried out.

Mr. Ballaustra, an expert on the subject, follows a particular procedure to correctly carry out the restoration of an Ancient Venetian Terrazzo:



determines the age of construction of the floor;

• identifies the materials of which it is composed, with particular attention to the type of binder (lime or cement);

• prepares an intervention that in no way distorts the characteristics of the existing Terrazzo allowing, even after the restoration, a historical-testimonial reading of the Terrazzo itself;

• intervenes, especially in the case of renovation or patching, with appropriate materials, equipment and techniques, in order to obtain an aesthetically acceptable and correct result in the procedure;

• avoids the use of materials and techniques (additives, treatments, synthetic resins etc.) incompatible with the nature of the materials that make up the Terrazzo. 



Via Marconi, 42

(s.s. Vicenza-Treviso)

35010 San Pietro in Gu

Padova - Italy

tel. (+39) 049 9455250

tel. (+39) 049 9459133



Lun. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Mar. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Mer. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Gio. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Ven. 8.30-12.30 / 15-18

Sab. Su Appuntamento

Domenica Chiuso





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